Sunday, January 9, 2011

9 patch top- Christmas/Winter quilt - early for 2011 rather than late for 2010!

I really enjoyed making the 9 patch. Knowing that my sewing patience needs to improve, I decided on 5" squares so that I didn't feel too overwhelmed while working on this project. Sewing with flannel was not as difficult as I had imagined with one exception; if you cut fabric on the bias it stretches A LOT! The corner points of the polka dot fabric of this quilt  match the least...

Julie and i had a fabric epiphany as we chatted about her diagonal quilt. I mentioned that my polka dot fabric stretched and her polka dot fabric also stretched and she suggested it was because we had lost the salvage as we cut out pieces because the polka dot pattern can easily be turned, losing the direction. Isn't she a smart one?

I would like to try a smaller 9 patch but still believe this design is not as contemporary as I might like. Being a Christmas/winter quilt means it will not be used as much so I was ok with the country feeling of the fabric. I am going to use a flannel sheet for the back and I am planning on hand tying it which seems to fit the fabric motif. I might get brave one of these days and get the quilting foot and try that -but not on flannel for my first try!

I obsessed about the colors for a bit and then said blah- it is what it is! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love it! You're all set for January and February now.



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