I could not realistically do the Quilt Along last fall because of all my Dad commitments. This semester might actually be possible.
The quilt I'd like to make is called City Park by Cherry House Quilts. It's for Daniel's room, which we've been redecorating from a kid room to a teen room. There's a feature wall with a geometric paint treatment, so I'm not covering the whole bed with a quilt because it would be too much pattern with the wall. Instead, I'll make a topper to fold at the foot of the bed on top of the gray comforter, and I'll make enough to also cover 2 euro pillows to lean against the silver headboard.
The quilt I'd like to make is called City Park by Cherry House Quilts. It's for Daniel's room, which we've been redecorating from a kid room to a teen room. There's a feature wall with a geometric paint treatment, so I'm not covering the whole bed with a quilt because it would be too much pattern with the wall. Instead, I'll make a topper to fold at the foot of the bed on top of the gray comforter, and I'll make enough to also cover 2 euro pillows to lean against the silver headboard.
Here are pictures of the quilt pattern and the feature wall, which will dictate the colors: grays and blues with punches of red and a bit of black. I'd like to figure out a way to get some silver in there, too, but am not sure how to accomplish this without it looking kind of contrived. Any ideas? I plan to choose batiks to mimic the misty quality of the paint layers on the wall. Looks like it's time to go shopping!
What if you use silver when its quilted? Think that would give enough punch? I love the wall, its so beautiful and I can see the shade too, I bet the teen is secretly thrilled.